Figure 1 is a flow chart describing the initial study population. This separates into exclusions and inclusions. The exclusions have three outcomes as per the exclusion criteria. Firstly are the 11 co-primary households. This excludes 7 First Primaries, 15 co-primaries, 6 secondary cases, and 27 non-cases, a total of 55 people. Next are the unknown or partial vaccination households. This excludes 7 first primaries, 5 secondary cases and 18 non-cases, a total of 30 people. Lastly is the asymptomatic household. This excludes 1 first primary, 1 asymptomatic PCR positive case and 2 non-cases, a total of 4 people. The inclusions consist of 92 households, 92 first primaries, 61 secondary cases and 2011 non-cases, a total of 365 people.