Figure 5 - Relative trends in planned, surgical separations by treatment choice. The source is the AHS data for all hospitals for 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09. The X-axis shows month and year, starting at June 2007 and ending at June 2009. The Y-axis is named Relative to 2006-07. There are three lines shown: public patients, private patients in public hospitals, and private patients in private hospitals. “Surcharge changes” is marked on each line at October 2008. There is a substantial increase for patients electing to be treated as public patients in a public hospital, from 100 in July 2007 to approximately 134 in June 2009. There is a very slight increase for private patients in public hospitals from 100 in July 2007 to approximately 105 in June 2009. There is an increase for private patients in private hospitals from 100 in July 2007 to approximately 111 in June 2009. These have been steady growth trends.