2005 Reviewers index for Communicable Diseases Intelligence - Volume 29

This page contains a list of reviewers who participated in the pre-editing process of the Communicable Diseases Intelligence, during 2005.

Page last updated: 31 December 2005

A print friendly PDF version is available from this Communicable Diseases Intelligence issue's table of contents.

Reviewers index, 2005

The CDI staff wish to thank the following reviewers for their valued assistance throughout the year.

Annette Broom, Avner Misrachi, Basil Donovan, Colin Masters, David Lyle, David Smith, Hazel Clothier, John Kaldor, John Mathews, Lance Sanders, Leslee Roberts, Michael Lindsay, Peter Markey, Peter Ryan, Reg Butler, Richard Russell, Robert Menzies, Robyn Hardyman, Scott Bowden, William Rawlinson.

This index was published in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Vol 29 No 4, December 2005.