Mental health statement of rights and responsibilities

Part V: Rights and responsibilities of carers and support persons

Page last updated: 2012

  1. This statement acknowledges the contributions and expertise of informal, professional, non-professional and statutory carers and support persons.

  2. Australian governments and the Australian community should endeavour to assist carers and support persons in their respective roles.

  3. Carers and support persons who are young have special needs and are entitled to special support and consideration.

  4. Carers and support persons have the right to:
    1. respect for their individual human worth and dignity
    2. respect for their privacy
    3. respect for their confidentiality
    4. comprehensive information, education, training and support to facilitate their care and support roles
    5. receive services that assist them to provide care and support
    6. contribute to and participate in the development of social, health and mental health policy
    7. place limits on their availability to the mental health consumer
    8. access mechanisms of complaint and redress if they are dissatisfied with the treatment or support provided to the mental health consumer
    9. receive support for their own difficulties that may be generated through the process of supporting, caring for or acting as an advocate for the mental health consumer
    10. provide information concerning family relationships and any matters relating to the mental state of the mental health consumer to health service providers.

  5. With the consent of the mental health consumer, and where it is appropriate to do so in accordance with legislation and policy, guardians, carers and support persons have the right to:
    1. contact the mental health consumer while they are undergoing treatment
    2. participate in treatment decisions and decisions about ongoing care
    3. seek and receive additional information about the mental health consumer's support, care, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery
    4. be consulted by service providers about treatment approaches being considered for the mental health consumer
    5. arrange support services for the mental health consumer, such as respite care, counselling and community care facilities
    6. be provided with any information that the mental health consumer requests they should receive.

  6. Carers and support persons have the responsibility to:
    1. respect the humanity and dignity of the mental health consumer
    2. consider the opinions and skills of professional and other staff who provide assessment, individualised care planning, support, care, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation services to mental health consumers
    3. cooperate, as far as is possible, with reasonable programs of assessment, individualised care planning, support, care, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation.

  7. Families, guardians, carers and support persons of children and young people have the responsibility to obtain appropriate professional assistance if they believe that a child or young person has a mental health problem or a mental illness.