2007 Reviewers index for Communicable Diseases Intelligence - Volume 31

This page contains a list of reviewers who participated in the pre-editing process of the Communicable Diseases Intelligence, during 2007.

Page last updated: 14 October 2013

The CDI staff wish to thank the following reviewers for their valued assistance throughout the year.

Anthony Keil, Avner Misrachi, Brad McCall, Charles Watson, Chris Bunn, David Looke, David Lyle, David Smith, Frank Beard, Gillian Scott, Heather Gidding, Jeanette Pham, Jennifer Robson, Jenny Musto, John Bates, Kari Jarvinen, Kevin Doyle, Mark Ferson, Mark Veitch, Patrick Charles, Peter Markey, Peter McIntyre, Rosemary Lester, Scott Bowden, Sue Campbell-Lloyd, Thomas Riley, Vicki Krause, William Rawlinson.

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