2004 author index for Communicable Diseases Intelligence

This page contains the index of authors who published items in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 28, 2004. The list is alphabetical by surname.

Page last updated: 14 February 2005

Author index, 2004

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Please note that page numbers refer to the hard copy publication.

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Amin, Janaki; 517

Andrews, Debora; 493

Antic, Ral; 464

Armstrong, Donna; Suppl 2

Arzey, George; 236

Ashbolt, Rosie; 521

Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit; 300, 425

Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network; 115, 295, 420, 544

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Backhouse, Josephine; 517

Barnes, Graeme; 481

Bartlett, Mark; 441

Bastian, Ivan; 464, 474

Bayley, Kathy; 455

Beard, Frank; 127, Suppl 1

Beers-Deeble, Mary; 311, 521

Bell, Jan; 455

Birch, Chris; 175

Bird, Phillip; 237

Bishop, Ruth; 481

Blumer, Charlie; 6

Bogdanovic-Sakran, Nada; 481

Boomer, Melanie; 396

Boyd, Alison; 356

Boyd, Ian; 324

Bradley, McCall; 496

Broom, Annette; 169

Brotherton, Julia; 249, 349, Suppl 2

Brown, Mitchell; 455

Bruderlin, Ken; 345

Bullen, Ruth; 493

Bunn, Chris; 6

Burgess, Margaret; 244, 504, 517

Bush, Kym; 396

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Cameron, Scott; 74

Carter, Robert; 509

Christensen, Amanda; 464

Clancy, John; 261

Clarkson, Lisa; 396

Coleman, David; 441; 521

Collins, Steven; 356

Combs, Barry; 390

Communicable Disease Network Australia; 270, 406, 489, 464

Communicable Diseases Network Australia Surveillance Case Definitions Working Group; 1

Cook, Heather; 441

Cook, Lucy; 345

Counnahan, Megan; 441

Crighton, Taryn; 474

Currie, Bart; 267

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Dalton, Craig; 211, 237

Davies, Craig; 441

Del Fabbro, Letitia; 441

Della-Porta, Tony; 6

Doggett, Stephen; 261

Dore, Gregory; 517

Doyle, Robyn; 390

Dwyer, Dominic; 396

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Elliott, Elizabeth; 90, 529

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Ferguson, John; 390

Ferson, Mark; 83, 392

Fielding, James; 181

Fong, Jonathan; 230

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Gabriel, Susan; 509

Gaston, Joanna; 225

Genobile, Dania; 225

Gidding, Heather; 6, 517, Suppl 2

Giele, Carolien; 441

Gilbert, Gwendolyn; 455, 517

Gillis, Jonathan; 504

Gilmore, Robin; 441

Gilpin, Chris; 474

Gould, David; 211

Gregory, Joy; 211, 225

Griffith, Julia; 225

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Hampson, Alan; 160

Haniotis, John; 261

Hanna, Jeffrey; 80, 255, 493

Havekort, Frank; 474

Hogg, Geoff; 441, 455

Hull, Brynley; 238, Suppl 2

Hundy, Rebecca; 74

Hunt, Jennifer; 499

Hurwitz, Mark; 464

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Isaacs, David; 324

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Kaldor, John; 517

Kampen, Rienke; 441

Karapanagiotidis, Theo; 69

Kass, Robert; 244

Keil, Anthony; 455

Kelly, Heath; 69, 175

Kesson, Alison; 504

Kirk, Martyn; 6, 211

Kirkwood, Carl; 481

Klug, Genevieve; 356

Konstantinos, Anastasios; 464

Kraa, Edward; 211

Krause, Vicki; 441, 455, 464

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Lambert, Stephen; 509

Lanser, Janice; 390

Lawrence, Glenda; 244, 324, 490, Suppl 2

Leask, Alexander; 83

Lee, James; 356

Lewis, Peter; 345

Lewis, Victoria; 356

Li, Janet; 464

Lightfoot, Dianne; 225

Looke, David; 496

Lumb, Richard; 474

Lumley, Judith; 499

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Marshall, John; 225

Masters, Colin; 356

May, Meryta; 504

McAnulty, Jeremy; 396

McCall, Bradley; 258

McCulloch, Bradley; 80

McIntyre, Peter; 127, 238, 249, 324, Suppl 1, Suppl 2

MacIntyre, Raina; Suppl 2

McKinnon, Moira; 464

McPhie, Ken; 396

Menzies, Robert; 127, Suppl 1

Miles, Thais; 345

Miller, Megge; 160, 311

Milne, Bronwyn; 504

Milton, Alison; 6

Misrachi, Avner; 464

Morgan, Anna; 80

Munnoch, Sally; 521

Murphy, Denise; 441, 455

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National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases; 92, 119, 296, 421, 349, 545

National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research; 117, 273, 301, 549

National Rotavirus Reference Centre; 481

National Tuberculosis Advisory Committee; 464

Nimmo, Graeme; 230

Nolan, Terry; 509

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O’Grady, Kerry-Ann; 509

OzFoodNet Working Group; 86, 207, 359, 401, 485

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Poulos, Roslyn; 392

Puech, Michele; Suppl 2

Powling, Joan; 121, 302, 427, 550

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Quaine, Julianne; 396

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Raines, Mark; 267

Ralph, Anna; 267

Ratcliff, Rod; 390

Reynolds, Roderick; 396

Riddell, Michaela; 69

Robertson, Greg; 261

Roche, Paul; 6, 160, 311, 441, 455, 464

Rose, Donna; 90, 529

Russell, Richard; 261

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Seeman, Owen; 261

Sievers, Aina; 474

Smith, David; 169

Smith, Hellen; 455, 496

Southern New South Wales Public Health Unit; 396

Spencer, Jenean; 6, 160, 181, 311, 464

Stafford, Russell; 211, 527

Stambos, Vicki; 339

Stylianopoulos, Joanne; 455

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Tallis, Graham; 225, 464

Tapsall, John; 116, 187, 194, 298, 299, 423, 424, 547, 548

Taylor, Roscoe; 521

Thorley, Bruce; 339

Tran, Thomas; 175

Turner, Joy; 175

Turnidge, John; 455

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Unicomb, Leanne; 237, 390


Valcanis, Mary; 225

Vally, Hassan; 181

Veitch, Mark; 121, 302, 427, 550

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Walton, Nerissa; 521

Wang, Han; Suppl 2

Waring, Justin; 464

Watson, Kieda; 390

Watson, Michael; 441, 455

Whelan, Peter; 267

Williams, Stephen; 504

Wise, Rolf; 390

Wood, Nicholas; Suppl 2

Worth, Leon; 69



Yankos, Peter; 83

Yohannes, Keflemariam; 6, 160, 181

Young, Margaret; 441

Young, Megan; 258, 496


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