Author index, 2004
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Please note that page numbers refer to the hard copy publication.
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Amin, Janaki; 517
Andrews, Debora; 493
Antic, Ral; 464
Armstrong, Donna; Suppl 2
Arzey, George; 236
Ashbolt, Rosie; 521
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit; 300, 425
Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network; 115, 295, 420, 544
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Backhouse, Josephine; 517
Barnes, Graeme; 481
Bartlett, Mark; 441
Bastian, Ivan; 464, 474
Bayley, Kathy; 455
Beard, Frank; 127, Suppl 1
Beers-Deeble, Mary; 311, 521
Bell, Jan; 455
Birch, Chris; 175
Bird, Phillip; 237
Bishop, Ruth; 481
Blumer, Charlie; 6
Bogdanovic-Sakran, Nada; 481
Boomer, Melanie; 396
Boyd, Alison; 356
Boyd, Ian; 324
Bradley, McCall; 496
Broom, Annette; 169
Brotherton, Julia; 249, 349, Suppl 2
Brown, Mitchell; 455
Bruderlin, Ken; 345
Bullen, Ruth; 493
Bunn, Chris; 6
Burgess, Margaret; 244, 504, 517
Bush, Kym; 396
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Cameron, Scott; 74
Carter, Robert; 509
Christensen, Amanda; 464
Clancy, John; 261
Clarkson, Lisa; 396
Coleman, David; 441; 521
Collins, Steven; 356
Combs, Barry; 390
Communicable Disease Network Australia; 270, 406, 489, 464
Communicable Diseases Network Australia Surveillance Case Definitions Working Group; 1
Cook, Heather; 441
Cook, Lucy; 345
Counnahan, Megan; 441
Crighton, Taryn; 474
Currie, Bart; 267
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Dalton, Craig; 211, 237
Davies, Craig; 441
Del Fabbro, Letitia; 441
Della-Porta, Tony; 6
Doggett, Stephen; 261
Dore, Gregory; 517
Doyle, Robyn; 390
Dwyer, Dominic; 396
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Elliott, Elizabeth; 90, 529
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Ferguson, John; 390
Ferson, Mark; 83, 392
Fielding, James; 181
Fong, Jonathan; 230
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Gabriel, Susan; 509
Gaston, Joanna; 225
Genobile, Dania; 225
Gidding, Heather; 6, 517, Suppl 2
Giele, Carolien; 441
Gilbert, Gwendolyn; 455, 517
Gillis, Jonathan; 504
Gilmore, Robin; 441
Gilpin, Chris; 474
Gould, David; 211
Gregory, Joy; 211, 225
Griffith, Julia; 225
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Hampson, Alan; 160
Haniotis, John; 261
Hanna, Jeffrey; 80, 255, 493
Havekort, Frank; 474
Hogg, Geoff; 441, 455
Hull, Brynley; 238, Suppl 2
Hundy, Rebecca; 74
Hunt, Jennifer; 499
Hurwitz, Mark; 464
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Isaacs, David; 324
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Kaldor, John; 517
Kampen, Rienke; 441
Karapanagiotidis, Theo; 69
Kass, Robert; 244
Keil, Anthony; 455
Kelly, Heath; 69, 175
Kesson, Alison; 504
Kirk, Martyn; 6, 211
Kirkwood, Carl; 481
Klug, Genevieve; 356
Konstantinos, Anastasios; 464
Kraa, Edward; 211
Krause, Vicki; 441, 455, 464
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Lambert, Stephen; 509
Lanser, Janice; 390
Lawrence, Glenda; 244, 324, 490, Suppl 2
Leask, Alexander; 83
Lee, James; 356
Lewis, Peter; 345
Lewis, Victoria; 356
Li, Janet; 464
Lightfoot, Dianne; 225
Looke, David; 496
Lumb, Richard; 474
Lumley, Judith; 499
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Marshall, John; 225
Masters, Colin; 356
May, Meryta; 504
McAnulty, Jeremy; 396
McCall, Bradley; 258
McCulloch, Bradley; 80
McIntyre, Peter; 127, 238, 249, 324, Suppl 1, Suppl 2
MacIntyre, Raina; Suppl 2
McKinnon, Moira; 464
McPhie, Ken; 396
Menzies, Robert; 127, Suppl 1
Miles, Thais; 345
Miller, Megge; 160, 311
Milne, Bronwyn; 504
Milton, Alison; 6
Misrachi, Avner; 464
Morgan, Anna; 80
Munnoch, Sally; 521
Murphy, Denise; 441, 455
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National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases; 92, 119, 296, 421, 349, 545
National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research; 117, 273, 301, 549
National Rotavirus Reference Centre; 481
National Tuberculosis Advisory Committee; 464
Nimmo, Graeme; 230
Nolan, Terry; 509
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O’Grady, Kerry-Ann; 509
OzFoodNet Working Group; 86, 207, 359, 401, 485
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Poulos, Roslyn; 392
Puech, Michele; Suppl 2
Powling, Joan; 121, 302, 427, 550
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Quaine, Julianne; 396
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Raines, Mark; 267
Ralph, Anna; 267
Ratcliff, Rod; 390
Reynolds, Roderick; 396
Riddell, Michaela; 69
Robertson, Greg; 261
Roche, Paul; 6, 160, 311, 441, 455, 464
Rose, Donna; 90, 529
Russell, Richard; 261
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Seeman, Owen; 261
Sievers, Aina; 474
Smith, David; 169
Smith, Hellen; 455, 496
Southern New South Wales Public Health Unit; 396
Spencer, Jenean; 6, 160, 181, 311, 464
Stafford, Russell; 211, 527
Stambos, Vicki; 339
Stylianopoulos, Joanne; 455
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Tallis, Graham; 225, 464
Tapsall, John; 116, 187, 194, 298, 299, 423, 424, 547, 548
Taylor, Roscoe; 521
Thorley, Bruce; 339
Tran, Thomas; 175
Turner, Joy; 175
Turnidge, John; 455
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Unicomb, Leanne; 237, 390
Valcanis, Mary; 225
Vally, Hassan; 181
Veitch, Mark; 121, 302, 427, 550
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Walton, Nerissa; 521
Wang, Han; Suppl 2
Waring, Justin; 464
Watson, Kieda; 390
Watson, Michael; 441, 455
Whelan, Peter; 267
Williams, Stephen; 504
Wise, Rolf; 390
Wood, Nicholas; Suppl 2
Worth, Leon; 69
Yankos, Peter; 83
Yohannes, Keflemariam; 6, 160, 181
Young, Margaret; 441
Young, Megan; 258, 496