2002 author index for Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 26

This page contains the index of authors who published items in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 26, 2002. The list is alphabetical by surname.

Page last updated: 18 December 2002

Author index, 2002

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A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-J-K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V-W | X-Y-Z

Please note that page numbers refer to the hard copy publication.

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Adams, Brad; 449

Andrews, Ross; 273

Armstrong, Paul; 446

Ashbolt, Rosie; 375

Azoulas, Joe; 83

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Barnes, Graeme; 537

Barnett, Mary; 584

Bastian, Ivan; 226

Bates, John; 44, 574

Beers, Mary; 28

Bishop, Ruth; 537

Blackwell, N; 587

Blumer, Charlie; 576

Bogdanovic-Sakran, Nada; 537

Bolisetty, Srinivas; 39, 592

Broome, Annette; 83

Brown, Alex; 39

Brussen, Kerrie Anne; 419

Bull, Ann; 28

Bunn, Chris; 113

Burt, Beth; 584

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Cameron, Peter; 38

Cameron, Scott; 38, 446, 562

Carter, Louise; 555

Clark, Ruth; 537

Correll, Patty; 14

Cowell, David; 38

Cowell, Noel; 449, 574

Crerar, Scott; 28

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Dalton, Craig; 441

Davidson, Natasha; 273

Dawson, David; 226

Della-Porter, Tony; 113

Doherty, Chris, 261

Donovan, Basil; 51

Dore, Gregory; 14

Dorricott, Gregory; 568

Dowse, Gary; 32

D'Souza, Rennie; 253

Dwyer, Dominic; 83

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Evans, Greg; 32


Faa, Antony; 279

Ferson, Mark; 592

Fitzsimmons, Gerard; 605

Foley, Peter; 596

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Gidding, Heather; 113

Gilpin, Chris; 226

Givney, Rod; 261, 375, 440

Graham, Trudy; 574

Gregory, Joy; 375, 439

Guest, Charles; 32, 461, 555

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Hall, Gillian; 375

Hall, Robert; 113, 285

Halliday, Linda; 323, 441

Hampson, Alan; 204

Hanna, Jeffrey; 44, 520, 589

Hansen, Mary; 574

Harley, Dave; 44

Harper, Catherine; 449

Havekort, Frank; 226

Higgins, Geoff; 261

Hills, Susan; 44, 520, 596

Holt, Peter; 279

Howard, Peter; 226

Hueston, Linda; 83

Hull, Brynley; 581

Humphreys, Jan; 596

Hundy, Rebecca; 375, 562

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Inglis, Tim; 321

J - K

Kaldor, John; 14, 113

Kelly, Heath; 8, 419

Kennett, Margery; 253

Kirk, Martyn; 113, 375, 436, 441

Kirkwood, Carl; 537

Krause, V; 505

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Langley, Andrew; 449, 574

Leader, Robyn; 113

Leon, Dallas; 568

Leydon, Jenny; 273

Li, Janet; 461

Lin, Ming; 113, 214, 525

Lumb, Richard; 226

Lynch, Barry; 555

Lynch, Pauline; 271

Lyon, Michael; 589

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Mackenzie, John; 83

Marshall, John; 552

Masendycz, Paul; 537

Maussen, J; 587

McCall, Bradley; 568, 584

McCormack, Joseph; 584

McIntyre, Peter; 451, 581

McKay, Ian; 375

McKinnon, Moira; 214

Mead, Cathy; 285

Melville, Lorna; 83, 428

Merianos, Angela; 5, 118, 234

Meuleners, Lynn; 375

Micalizzi, Gino; 568

Milazzo, Adriana; 261

Millard, Geoff; 375, 555

Miller, Megge; 525, 555

Milton, Alison; 113

Moran, Rodney; 600

Murphy, Denise; 520

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Neill, Annette; 568

Norton, R; 587

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O'Brien, Eddie; 323, 461

O'Grady, Kerry Ann; 600

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Passmore, Jonathon; 600

Peacock, David; 446

Piispanen, John; 596

Poulos, Roslyn; 592

Prasopa-Plaizier, Nittita; 375

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Q - R

Ratcliff, Rod; 261

Raupach, Jane; 375

Riddell, Michaela; 273

Ritchie, Scott; 428

Robotin, Monica; 14, 265

Roche, Paul; 5, 113, 118, 204, 214, 323, 375, 436, 505, 552, 576

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Sadkowsky, Krystian; 605

Sam, Greg; 225

Sarna, Mohinder; 32, 375

Scott, Katrina; 555

Shadbolt, Craig; 436

Sievers, Aina; 226

Smedley, Elizabeth; 592

Smith, David; 39, 83, 428

Smith, Helen; 44

Spencer, Jenean; 5, 14, 113, 118, 204, 214, 323, 525, 552, 576

Stafford, Russell; 375, 568

Stambos, Vicki; 419

Symons, Dorothy; 589

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Tapsall, John; 83, 242, 488, 541, 592

Thorley, Bruce; 419

Tilse, Martyn; 584

Tomaska, Nola; 375

Torvaldsen, Siranda; 451, 581

Towner, Christopher; 568

Tribe, Ingrid; 38, 261

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Unicomb, Leanne; 375, 441

V - W

Watson, Charles; 253

Watt, Peter; 584

Watts, Caroline; 8

Wheaton, Gavin; 39

Whelan, Peter; 39, 83

Williams, Alison; 458

Williams, Craig; 375

Wishart, Elwyn; 600

Witteveen, David; 113

Wohlsen, Tracey; 449

Wright, Phil; 113

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X - Y - Z

Yohannes, Keflemariam; 441

Yuen, Lilly; 419

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