Providing a variety of nutritious foods
- Food provided by the setting is nutritious and includes a variety of foods from each of the basic food groups every day.
- Parents are encouraged to send nutritious food, and include a variety of foods from each of the basic food groups, if children bring food from home.
- Families are provided with information and ideas on how to provide nutritious foods for their children.
- Water is offered as the main drink and is available at all times.
- ‘ Sometimes foods’ are not included in planned menus and parents are discouraged from including them in lunchboxes.
- Appealing meals and foods that offer a variety of tastes, colours
- and textures are provided. Food is offered in ways that encourage children to try new foods and enjoy eating.
- Where meals are provided, diversity is explored through offering a variety of foods.
- Families, staff and carers have access to information about the importance of good nutrition and healthy eating for children.
Mealtimes and behaviour
- Food is never used as a reward or denied as a punishment, or used to comfort children.
- Mealtimes are positive, relaxed and social.
- Staff and carers model healthy eating behaviours by sitting with children at mealtimes and interacting with them.
- If food is provided by the setting, staff and carers model healthy eating by eating the same foods as the children.
- Meals and snacks are offered at regular and predictable intervals.
- Food servings are of a suitable size, so children have control over their own choice to eat and the amount they eat.
- Extra food is available if children are still hungry at the end of a meal or snack.
- Food is seen as important for a healthy body, and not related to weight or body shape.
- Fussy eating is dealt with in a relaxed way that encourages the child to try new foods, but does not use praise or rewards for eating.
- Special occasions are recognised and celebrated with limited use of ‘sometimes foods’. Alternatives to focusing on food are considered for celebrations.
- Cultural and religious beliefs are respected when planning, preparing and serving food in the setting.