Point of Care Testing (PoCT) Training, Certification, Support and Skill Maintenance Program

Planned project activities and assessment against plan

Page last updated: 20 May 2013

  1. Using Commonwealth-endorsed evidence-based competency standards, prepare the content of a generic training program for non-laboratory PoCT device operators.
    Achievement: The APPN scientific and nursing staff have prepared comprehensive training materials for all the commonly used POCT tests including pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical components. The material is designed in a way that is suitable for non-laboratory trained staff. See Appendix 7 for a screen shot showing the various educational modules
  2. Develop a continuing education program for PoCT operators.
    Achievement: Via APPN we have provided both web-based including webinars (see Appendix 8) and face-to-face POCT education programmes, the latter at a variety of nurse and GP attended meeting across Australia.
  3. Develop and establish an educational website and convert agreed training material to a suitable on-line access format.
    Achievement: The APPN website has been established and registered users can access all the educational and associated material. See Appendix 6 for the number of registrants over the life of the APPN grant.
  4. Develop an online assessment tool for use in conjunction with training material to assure competency of PoCT device operators.
    Achievement: On-line Competency Testing has been developed and implemented on the APPN website, and is used regularly by many registrants. See Appendix 9 for the number of competency tests over the life of the APPN grant.
  5. Establish and maintain a web-based and telephone support service which will be available weekdays 8am - 6pm, including being a resource centre on PoCT guidelines and the evaluation of PoCT devices.
    Achievement: An E mail/telephone hot-line has been established and receives on average 14 enquiries every month.
  6. Liaise with other relevant certified training bodies – RACGP, RCPA, RCNA – and VET training providers to create certification options for trained PoCT operators.
    Achievement: We have been in constant contact with RACGP, RCNA, ACCRM and RDWA over the period of the project. In particular the RACGP and RDWA have been extremely supportive advertising our activities in their e-newsletters. ACRRM have been very supportive providing peer review of our educational materials and allocating appropriate CPD points. All the mentioned organisations have been happy to promote our CPD activities and encourage members to participate in our education.
What difficulties in performing the Project (if any) have been encountered by the Participant during the Project Period, and the action undertaken to overcome those difficulties.
  1. Identifying appropriate organisations to raise awareness of APPN; actions taken include seeking advice of GP divisions, doctors and nurses on who we should contact.
  2. A constant question have been about PoCT rebates; our response has been to refer to the ‘PoCT in GP trial” and indicate that we are awaiting a decision from DoHA. In the meantime we have stressed the importance of developing APPN in order to put in place a quality framework for PoCT prior to funding.