Point of Care Testing (PoCT) Training, Certification, Support and Skill Maintenance Program

Appendix 8: Show the number of APPN members that attended the webinar. This does not include people that attended in groups.

Page last updated: 20 May 2013


Total Attendees
INR Webinar
AF Webinar
BNP Webinar
Diabetes Webinar
Heart Failure Webinar

Webinar Comments

INR Webinar

“I think the webinar is a great idea allowing many health practitioners to link in at home for further education”
“Got a lot out of the Webinar, created discussion at work the next day, definitely worthwhile”

Atrial Fibrillation

“Thank you for organising this. I recommend this to be promoted amongst medical students as well.”
“Needs more frequent webinar programme like this.”
“Excellent, more would be great”
“Thanks for a great presentation - interesting & well delivered. Information pitched at a good level”

Natriuretic peptides webinar

“Worthwhile session on important topic”
“Another great education session. This is an easy and fabulous way to do education when you live remotely.”
“This is a good education opportunity for rural participants. The time of the sessions works in well with working & opportunity to attend at the end of the day. 1 hour is a good length of time.”

Diabetes Webinar

“An informative discussion which I thoroughly enjoyed but still find diabetes and it's medications quite confusing. Every bit of education helps. Thank you very much for making this available at no cost. Muchly appreciated.”
“Well organised events. I would like to see the presenter in a bigger screen”
“This was my first webinar with APPN and I really enjoyed it. But I wonder whether I have to get a life as I laughed heaps at the end!”
“Excellent! Would like to join more in future! Many thanks!”

Heart Failure Webinar

“I have been happy with these webinar, useful and I can return to replay it on the website if I want to.”
“Very good. Gave plenty of time for questions. The latter is important because it is more relevant to practical issues met with in general practice.”
“Thanks for that, always a great listen & always learn something extra that gives me more understanding of this disease process”
“Great presentation - lots of information but focussed on the patient experience not just the science”
In all webinars, there are many comments of “Excellent presentation”, “Thank you”, “Very enjoyable session”, “Very good speaker”