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Table of Contents - Volume 26, Number 2 - June 2002
Complete issue - June 2002 - PDF file 1365KB
- Editorial: Polio eradication in Australia and the world
(Paul Roche, Jenean Spencer)
- Also available as a - PDF file 96KB
- Australia's notifiable diseases status, 2000: Annual report of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
(Ming Lin, Paul Roche, Jenean Spencer, Alison Milton, Phil Wright, David Witteveen, et al)
- Also available as a - PDF file 623KB
- Annual report of the National Influenza Surveillance Scheme, 2001
(Paul Roche, Jenean Spencer, Alan Hampson)
- Also available as a - PDF file 158KB
- Tuberculosis notifications in Australia, 2000
(Ming Lin, Jenean Spencer, Paul Roche, Moira McKinnon and the National TB Advisory Committee for the Communicable Diseases)
- Also available as a - PDF file 201KB
- Tuberculosis in Australia: bacteriologically confirmed cases and drug resistance, 2000: Report of the Australian Mycobacterium Laboratory Reference Network
(Richard Lumb, Ivan Bastian)
- Also available as a - PDF file 125KB
- Report on the Second Technical Advisory Group Meeting to Stop TB in the Western Pacific Region, Beijing, China 4-6 June 2001
(Angela Merianos)
- Also available as a - PDF file 137KB
- Towards global polio eradication: Australia's commitment to the global eradication of poliovirus by 2005
- Also available as a - PDF file 56KB
- National Strategic Plan for TB Control in Australia Beyond 2000
- Also available as a - PDF file 72KB
- Annual report of the Australian Gonococcal Surveillance Programme, 2001
(The Australian Gonococcal Surveillance Programme)
- Also available as a - PDF file 116KB
- OzFoodNet: Quarterly report, October to December 2001
(The OzFoodNet Working Group)
- Also available as a - PDF file 113KB
- Australia declared polio free
(Rennie D'Souza, Margery Kennett, Charles Watson)
- Also available as a - PDF file 121KB
- A large, prolonged outbreak of human calicivirus infection linked to an aged-care facility
(Adriana Milazzo, Ingrid Tribe, Rod Ratcliff, Chris Doherty, Geoff Higgins, Rod Givney)
- Also available as a - PDF file 102KB
- Evaluation of the Australian CJD Surveillance System
(Monica Robotin)
- Also available as a - PDF file 132KB
- A measles outbreak among young adults in Victoria, February 2001
(Natasha Davidson, Ross Andrews, Michaela Riddell, Jennie Leydon, Pauline Lynch)
- Also available as a - PDF file 112KB
- Melioidosis in the Torres Strait Islands of Far North Queensland
(Antony Faa, Peter Holt)
- Also available as a - PDF file 123KB
- The National Public Health Partnership
- Also available as a - PDF file 27KB
- Outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 135a following consumption of raw egg
(Robert Hall)
- Also available as a - PDF file 94KB
- Communicable Diseases Surveillance
- Highlights for 1st quarter, 2002 (bloodborne diseases, gastrointestinal illness, sexually transmitted infections, vaccine preventable diseases, vectorborne diseases, other bacterial infections, other non-notifiable diseases, LabVISE)
- Also available as a - PDF file 115KB
- Tables (Historical figure, NNDSS, LabVISE, ASPREN) - PDF file 80KB
The tables are available as a full PDF file above or as individual HTML files below.
NNDSS reporting jurisdictions & NNDSS notifications
notification rates
- Highlights for 1st quarter, 2002 (bloodborne diseases, gastrointestinal illness, sexually transmitted infections, vaccine preventable diseases, vectorborne diseases, other bacterial infections, other non-notifiable diseases, LabVISE)
- Overseas briefs
- Also available as a - PDF file 76KB
Editor: Jenean Spencer
Editorial and Production Staff: Paul Roche, Ming Lin, Charlie Blumer, Alison Milton, Lynne Hawker, Patricia Hurtado
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