Promoting and Expanding the Structured Reporting of Cancer (SRC)

Appendix C - Feedback form

Page last updated: 24 June 2013

To edit the open consultation review form or the feedback form

  1. Open the consultation review form or the feedback form.
  2. Go to FORM menu and edit forms in designer.
review form
  1. Highlight the protocol title field and on the right hand side edit the names of the protocols.

  2. Save and exit – distribute the file but save a copy to the folder. This comes in as “file_distributed” and another called “file_responses”.

  3. Open the original file again and go to advanced folder and click on extend features in adobe reader. This is to re-enable usage right after editing. Save to the same name.

  4. Post this to web.

Compiling responses

  1. As forms are completed save in protocol/web folder under initial review and OC or other applicable folder.
  2. Open the file_responses file.
  3. Click get started
  4. Click add (on left navigator and then browse to add in completed files previously saved.
  5. Then highlighted all the lines added and export to csv file.
  6. Once exported – resave as an excel file.
  7. Add in responses column and reformat to include all comments down the page as per feedback excel.
  8. Add in another tab for any new protocol and copy in the feedback
  9. Once updated and finalised the updated feedback excel can be posted to the web site.