Example assessments are provided for these resources. However, individual Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) will determine assessments for the modules/units offered. Assessments will be responsive to learner needs and resources available and comply with Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) 2001 requirements.

Assessment principles

Principles upon which assessment should be based include:
  • Assessment is an integral part of learning and developing an understanding of what constitutes effective practice

  • Assessment must be reliable, flexible, fair and valid

    • To be reliable, the assessment methods and procedures must ensure that the units of competence are applied consistently.

    • To be flexible, assessment should be able to take place on-the-job, off-the-job or a combination of both. It should be suitable for a variety of learning pathways including work-based learning and classroom-based learning.

    • To be fair, assessment must not disadvantage particular learners

    • To be valid, assessment has to assess what it claims to assess.

Facilitator qualifications and knowledge

It is recommended that the facilitator possesses at least:
  • the unit of competence or a qualification containing the topic area being taught
  • Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training
  • experience in the delivery of services to young people
Ideally, a facilitator should also have tertiary qualifications relating to the module being taught.

Under the AQTF (2001) Registered Training Organisations are required to provide appropriately qualified facilitators/ trainers.