Module 9: working with young people on AOD issues: facilitator's guide

Developing a learning plan

Page last updated: 2004

In order to develop a learning plan with a learner you will first need to identify their learning needs. From these needs you will be able to formulate learning goals and develop a plan to meet these goals. The learning plan should contain details on what will be learned, how it will be learned, by when, what criteria will be used to evaluate the learning and how the learning will be validated. A learning plan is best prepared by the learner with the guidance and support of a mentor or facilitator. Topic 4 in the module Planning for Learning at Work contains detailed information on preparing a learning plan.

Once learner needs have been identified they can be matched up with the units of competence and the resources available.

Steps to develop a learning plan
Developing a learning pathway
Supporting distance learners in developing a learning plan

Steps to develop a learning plan

The following steps will assist you to develop a learning plan with a learner:
  1. Assessment of learning needs
    This may include analysis of:
    • learner's values
    • skills
    • strengths and weaknesses
    • preferred learning style
    • suitability of learner's work situation as a work-based learning environment (Is there a quiet place to read/write/ consider? Are study leave provisions available? Is management supportive of work-based learning?).

  2. Identification of learning goals
    It is important to identify learning objectives both from a learner's perspective and from an organisational perspective. Those learners who are undertaking learning as part of a process initiated by their organisation may well have different needs and motivations to those learners who have elected or volunteered to undertake further learning. Once established, learning goals can be reviewed against the learning outcomes of the module/s in this resource. This will assist the selection of appropriate modules.

  3. Identify learning resources, supports and strategies. Evaluate the availability of the following resources and the learner's confidence in accessing them.
    • people (facilitator, other learners, mentors, supervisors etc)
    • resources (e.g. texts/libraries)
    • technology (e.g. phones, Internet/e-mail, video-conferencing)

  4. Specify what constitutes evidence of learning
    How will you and the learner know that learning has occurred? Assessment of learning could include a portfolio, case notes, role plays and/or case studies.Top of page

  5. Specify target dates
    Specify dates for progress reviews and for module/task completion. Agree on how this will occur.

    Target dates for contact with facilitators should specify:
    • Informal query or concerns (How can a learner access you if they have a query or concern? For example, e-mail, telephone etc)
    • Progress review dates (When will formal contact be initiated to check on progress and how will this be done? For example, by telephone, face-to-face meeting etc.)
    • Assessment event due dates (When are assessment events due and how will they be submitted? (For example, by post, e-mail etc)
    • Feedback. When will feedback be available on assessment performance and how will that be delivered?
Many learners will want to develop knowledge and skills in a number of areas. Overlapping content across the units has been identified in the individual modules.

Note: CHCAOD2B provides key underpinning knowledge on AOD work and reflection on personal values and attitudes to alcohol and other drugs. It is recommended that this unit be completed before undertaking the other units in alcohol and other drug work. In particular, the module How Drugs Work provides underpinning knowledge about the action of a drug on the individual. It is recommended that learners completing CHCCS9A and CHCAOD6B also complete this module.

Developing a learning pathway

When you have worked with your learners to identify their skill/knowledge gaps, the following guide may assist you in developing a learning pathway for each learner or group of learners. Learners' may choose to do one, several or all of the units, depending on their needs.

If learners want information about young people and ways of working with young people, choose unit CHCYTH1C:
  • Perspectives on Working with Young People - Explores the stage of adolescence and a range of factors that impact on the development of young people

  • Young People, Risk and Resilience - Provides a framework for understanding and working with young people

  • Working with Young People - Provides a broad framework for understanding and working with young people, explores goals of working with young people and the development of specific skills.
If learners want information about the alcohol and other drug sector and a greater understanding of drug use in society, choose unit CHCAOD2B:
  • Young People, Society and AOD - Looks at ways of understanding drug use in society and by young people in particular and presents an overview of patterns and trends of AOD use by young people. Broad societal factors that influence work on AOD issues are also explored.

  • How Drugs Work - Provides information about drugs and how they act on the body.

  • Frameworks for AOD Work - Provides an overview of the range of AOD interventions, from prevention through to treatment and explores their relevance to work with young people on AOD issues.
Top of pageIf learners want skills in identifying AOD drug impacts on young people to develop responses to alcohol and drug issues for the young people you work with, choose unit CHCS9A:
  • Helping Young People Identify their Needs - Develops skills in identifying alcohol and other drug issues for young people at an individual, group and community level.

  • Working with Young People on AOD Issues - Provides skills in working with young people with AOD issues on a one-to-one basis. The emphasis is on young people who are experiencing problems because of their AOD use.

  • Working with Families, Peers and Communities - Provides a framework and skills for working with young people on AOD issues at a community and family level.

  • Young People and Drugs - Issues for Workers - Explores a range of issues that workers may encounter when working with young people on AOD issues. These include personal values, ethical issues and issues surrounding confidentiality and accountability.
If learners want skills and information to work with young people who are intoxicated, choose unit CHCAOD6B:
  • Working with Intoxicated Young People - Provides information and skills in working with intoxicated young people.
If learners want advice about planning learning and how to learn:
  • Planning for Learning at Work

Supporting distance learners in developing a learning plan


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Developing a learning plan consists of a cyclical process as outlined in the steps below:
  1. Assessment of learning needs - learners should be assisted to assess their:
    • Values
    • Skills
    • Strengths and weaknesses
    • Learning style
    • Learning environment
    • Reason for attending
    • (e.g. compulsory - organisation initiated or voluntary – individually initiated)

  2. Identification of learning goals
    • Learners goals (SMART)
    • Organisational goals (if applicable)
    • Module learning outcomes

  3. Identification of learning resources, supports and strategies - includes availability and confidence to access:
      • People (facilitator, other learners, mentors, supervisors, colleagues, other professional and services etc)
      • Resources (texts/references, libraries etc)
      • Technology (Internet/websites, e-mail, videoconferencing etc)

  4. Identification of forms of evidence of learning

  5. Specify timeframes and mode of contact
    • Includes time frames for:
      • Informal contact (e.g. if the learner has a query)
      • Review of progress
      • Assessment events
      • Finalising module requirements
    • Mode of contact could include:
      • Telephone call
      • E-mail
      • Group teleconference (e.g. with other learners)
      • Face-to-face meetings

Note: Remember that learning is part of a cyclical process and the development and implementation of the learning plan will form the basis of analysis, reflection and further planning.