Expanding settings for medical specialist training

RG1 Appendix A: Reference Group 1 Terms of Reference

Page last updated: October 2006

Reference Group 1 will progress the Medical Specialist Training Steering Committee Terms of Reference by:

  1. Providing guidance to a tender process and consultancy for assessments of:

    1. The additional costs associated with implementing the model of training developed by the Medical Specialist Training Taskforce, including those which are currently undertaken without charge.
    2. The quantitative or qualitative value of the benefits associated with the training model.

  2. Develop a Statement of Requirement, for the tender process, which is based upon the Medical Specialist Training Taskforce report to the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council.

  3. Use data provided by the Australian Government, which assesses the balance between the increased number of training positions demanded by new medical school and Australian Medical Council graduates, and the number of training positions required to meet community need.

  4. Reporting to the Steering Committee on the assessment results.

  5. Contributing to and liaising with the following other Reference Groups as appropriate:

    1. Reference Group 2: Implications for Service Delivery in Public Hospitals
    2. Reference Group 3: Review of Training Programs
The Reference Group will be disbanded at a time determined by the Medical Specialist Training Steering Committee.