Module 1: planning for learning at work: learner's workbook

Learning opportunities

Page last updated: 2004

It must be stressed that no one style is better than another. It is also important to note that there are a number of different learning style models other than Honey and Munford. If you are interested in undertaking further self-analysis about your learning style, personality type etc, there are numerous resources and activities available on the Internet that you can undertake. See as a starting point.

Does the concept of lifelong learning fit into your expectations? Do you see yourself as a self-directed learner or do you want more information and ideas about this learning approach? How are you feeling about the experiential learning cycle? Did you identify your predominant learning style(s) and will this make a difference in how you plan your learning in the future?

Key questions for Activists
Key questions for Reflectors
Key questions for Theorists
Key questions for Pragmatists

Key questions for Activists

  • Shall I learn something new, i.e. that I didn't know/couldn't do before?
  • Will there be a wide variety of different activities? (I don't want to sit and listen for more than an hour at a stretch!)
  • Will it be OK to have a go/let my hair down/make mistakes/have fun?
  • Shall I encounter some tough problems and challenges?
  • Will there be other like-minded people to mix with?

Key questions for Reflectors

  • Shall I be given adequate time to consider, assimilate and prepare?
  • Will there be opportunities/facilities to assemble relevant information?
  • Will there be opportunities to listen to other people's points of view - preferably a wide cross-section of people with a variety of views?
  • Will I be under pressure to be slap-dash or to 'think on my feet'?

Key questions for Theorists

  • Will there be lots of opportunities to question?
  • Do the objectives and program of events indicate a clear structure and purpose?
  • Shall I encounter complex ideas and concepts that are likely to stretch me?
  • Are the approaches to be used and concepts to be explored sound and valid?
  • Shall I be with people of similar expertise to myself?

Key questions for Pragmatists

  • Will there be ample opportunities to practice and experiment?
  • Will there be lots of practical tips and techniques?
  • Shall we be addressing real problems and will it result in action plans to tackle some of my current problems?
  • Shall we be exposed to experts who can demonstrate it themselves?