The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance

1.5.2.All Analytes and Indicators Analytes Performance Indicators

Page last updated: 13 June 2013

A number of areas remain to be resolved if the KPIs will act as an adequate trigger of concern. These include:

  • Esoteric (low volume) tests ‐ indications from NATA are that these are tests of concern. 12
  • One aspect of a laboratory maybe underperforming compared to the overall performance of a laboratory (e.g. backup analyser, blood gas machine).
  • Indicator analytes ‐ the possibility of increasing the number of Indicator analytes.
  • Frequency of the KPI report ‐ it remains to be determined if the frequency of the reports (every 6 months) is timely enough for a supervisor to be informed of suboptimal performance.
  • Usage of the KPI report in the laboratory

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