The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance


Page last updated: 13 June 2013

Since the initial demonstration of the performance monitoring analysis software in March, work has been continuing to further develop it.

It has been demonstrated that performance monitoring analysis can be performed using a software solution. Feedback from the disciplines regarding the usability and current functionality has been positive.

The performance monitoring application is now working with production data. Since the demonstration in March the “export” function has been developed. A major technical challenge of this project has been to create a system, which can access participant results from any discipline as well as enrolment details as this data resides in several different databases. We now have an excellent solution in place for the performance monitoring software, which in turn can be further easily extended for other purposes.

Several new technologies have been used on this project. Pursuing these technologies has been worthwhile and they will form a good foundation for other key projects. The new technologies are also allowing existing software applications to access the performance monitoring system.

During this report period the software team has completed the following milestones:

  • Enrolment software changes are now running on the live system.
  • Transfusion analysis designed, implemented, demonstrated and tested.
  • Proven integration of QAP Desktop Software with overall architecture.
Overall the software developed for this pilot provides a good architecture for integrating analysis routines for other QAP programs. The architecture developed will also allow future software application growth in areas that will benefit the participant through dashboard control of EQA performance and ease of access to participation for defined levels within an organisation.
(Report prepared by David Bryce, Software Development Manager)

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The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance(PDF 518 KB)