The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance

1.5.3.Correlation with NATA assessment records

Page last updated: 13 June 2013

KPI data could not be correlated with NATA assessment records during the period of this project. NATA assessment records are confidential between NATA and the laboratory and therefore could not be released to the RCPA QAP. This resulted in the RCPA QAP being unable to undertake a correlation of records retrospectively. Despite a number of meetings held with NATA this issue could not be resolved.

A number of factors need to be considered when considering a correlation of QAP data and NATA assessment records retrospectively such as:

  • Laboratories are currently not required to show the KPI reports to NATA during an inspection
  • If EQA is out in the middle of a NATA assessment period it may not have been recorded on an inspection report.
  • There are a significant amount of Chemical Pathology QAP results to be reviewed from a three year period at an inspection.
  • It may be difficult to correlate the performance of the laboratory (i.e. any major problems in a laboratory) retrospectively at the exact time the KPIs were low.

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