The benchmarks were developed for the General and Breast diagnostic modules. Results for participants enrolled in the program as a laboratory will be reviewed after every survey. If any ONE of the following criteria applies, then a laboratory will be considered to have met the criterion for suboptimal performance. In this situation the RCPA QAP performance monitoring Framework will be activated. Any laboratory judged on this basis of being at risk for suboptimal performance would not have this "at risk" flag reset until two surveys had been completed without there being any results which did not meet any of the criteria of potential unsatisfactory performance.

The criteria are as follows:


  • x1 Survey nonparticipation

Performance of Test

  • Survey Rank, x3 in the bottom 10% in a rolling 3 year period
    • Thereafter, if in bottom 10% rank a subsequent time (i.e. x4, x5, etc)
  • Average Survey Rank ≤10% , in a rolling 3 year period
    • Thereafter, if Average Survey Rank is ≤10% AND less than the Average Survey Rank on the previous survey; or
    • Thereafter reset scoring if Average Survey Rank >10% 3x consecutively
  • Average Discordant Sum is 1.5+ AND number of surveys completed is 2, in a rolling 12 month period
    • Thereafter, if 1.5+ AND 2 surveys completed AND survey contains Discordant result
  • Non‐concordant Sum 5+ results per survey
The criteria have largely been designed to review results over time, are weighted for case difficulty and compare a participant’s performance against their peers.

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The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance(PDF 518 KB)