Each laboratory’s results will be reviewed within a rolling twelve month cycle. When a laboratory’s results fall within the criteria for unacceptable performance, the laboratory’s results will be forwarded to the Cytopathology Performance Review Committee for review. If the Committee assesses the results as being unacceptable, a notification letter will be sent from the RCPA QAP to the laboratory suggesting corrective action.

The following criteria relating to unacceptable performance in gynaecological cytology have been developed by the Cytopathology PRC:

  • A Performance Measure outside the National Standard set by NPAAC (The committee agreed that Performance Measure 2b is particularly important)
  • Non submission of results for Performance Measures
  • A major error in a GYN survey
  • Three unacceptable responses in any GYN survey in any twelve month period
  • Non submission of results for any GYN survey
After results have been reviewed by the Cytopathology PRC, and where appropriate, laboratories results may be highlighted to the RCPA QAP Board of Directors.

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The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance(PDF 518 KB)