This project was funded by the Department of Health and Ageing under the Quality Use of Pathology Program.

The author acknowledges with sincere thanks:

Anatomical Pathology Performance Review Committee: Prof David Davies, A/Prof Glen Francis, Prof Jane Dahlstrom, Dr Fiona Maclean, Dr Adrienne Morey, Dr Michael Aldred, A/Prof Steve Farish, Dr Tamazin Leecy, Martyn Peck

Cytopathology Performance Review Committee: A/Prof Margaret Cummings, Dr David Papadimos, A/Prof Marion Saville, Dr Chris Carter, Prof Yee Khong, A/Prof Annabelle Farnsworth, Jennifer Ross.

Transfusion Advisory Committee: Dr Bronwyn Williams, Arthur Joyce, Cheryl Kann, Liz Lennox, Geoff Magrin, Dr Anne Haughton, Tony Greenfield, Neville Herrmann, Cathy Hughes.

Chemical Pathology Performance Review Committee: Dr Graham Jones, Peter Graham, Dr Penelope Coates, Dr Helen Martin, Dr Que Lam, Dr Samuel Vasikaran, Janice Gill, Lisa Jolly.

RCPA QAP Board of Directors: A/Prof Peter Stewart, Dr John Wells, Dr Lawrence Bott, Dr John Rowell, Dr Raymond Chan, Mr Mike Ralston, Dr Beverley Rowbotham.

RCPA QAP Executive Team and staff: Dr Ian Gardner, Penny Petinos, Paul Cohen, Alan Bateman, David Bryce, Moira Clarke, Glen Conboy, Marty Kopka, Jeff Hong, Nathan Crettenden, Anthony Green

National Association of Testing Authorities: Andrew Griffin

Royal College of Pathologists: Dr Debra Graves, Sue Butterworth

Therapeutic Goods Administration: Peter Kaylock

IVD Australia: Dr Peter Harman

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The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance(PDF 518 KB)