APA Approved Pathology Authority
APP Approved Pathology Practitioner
CPL Cumulative Performance Level
DoHA Department of Health and Ageing
EOC End‐of‐cycle report
EQA External Quality Assurance
IVD in vitro diagnostic medical devices
KPI Key Performance Indicator
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NPAAC National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council
PRC Performance Review Committee
QAP Quality Assurance Program
QUPP Quality Use of Pathology Program
RCPA Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
RCPA QAP Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs Pty Ltd
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
UKNEQAS United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service

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The Role of External Quality Assurance in Identifying Poor Laboratory Performance(PDF 518 KB)