A pathology reporting proforma was created based on feedback from consultation with QUPP stakeholders, review of relevant literature and the results observed and analysed from the four (4) consumer focus groups (two (2) English speaking, two (2) Arabic speaking), held at Dianella Community Health in December 2011.
To assess the effectiveness of the improved pathology reporting format, a pre-test was required under clinical conditions involving general practice health professionals and consumers. The implementation of a semi-structured process was needed to engage general practice health professionals and consumers.
Dianella Community Health (DCH) worked with the Division of General Practice and Medicare locals to identify practices willing to participate in the project. The promotion of the project was communicated through the Division of General Practice publication process - ‘Advance’ and ‘Friday Facts’ newsletters. General Practitioners, Practice Nurse’s and Practice Manager’s were invited to attend the QUPP – Dinner Workshop, held at La Luna Bistro in Carlton.