The focus groups were led by experienced focus group facilitators. The English speaking groups were conducted by Dr Reeva Lederman, Dr Stephen Smith and Dr Lee Naish with Dr Basil Alzougool as note-taker. The Arabic speaking groups were conducted by Dr Basil Alzougool with an Arabic translator in attendance, an Arabic note-taker, and an observer from the research group. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The plain language statement of the study and consent form was translated into Arabic. The study was approved by the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee. Patients and carers were reimbursed for participating in the focus groups. Each focus group took approximately 1.5 hours. Initially, each focus group began with a brief background of the study followed by review of discussion guidelines to set the ground rules for participating. Each focus group was digitally recorded for analysis, with the consent of participants. All data was transcribed and analysed to elicit common themes.