Evaluation of suicide prevention activities

R U OK? Day

Page last updated: January 2014

1. Project Profile

Project Name(s)R U OK? Day
Funded OrganisationR U OK? Ltd
Geographical AreaNational
LIFE Action Areas
  • Improving the evidence base and understanding of suicide prevention
  • Building individual resilience and the capacity for self-help
  • Improving community strength, resilience and capacity in suicide prevention
  • Taking a coordinated approach to suicide prevention
Target Groups
  • Whole of community

2. Project Description

The aim of R U OK? Day is to engage Australians to connect with people in the community they may have concerns about, encouraging them to seek further help and to follow up to ensure support is being provided. R U OK? Day encourages responsible public discussion of social isolation and its negative consequences such as suicide. The key message is that social connectedness and positive help seeking can assist people in crisis and is a whole of community responsibility. R U OK? operates at the prevention end of the care continuum of suicide prevention, complementing and working closely with sector partners, not duplicating their efforts. The key focal point is R U OK? Day, which is held once a year.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Promote awareness of mental health and suicide and encourage Australians to reach out to those at risk in their community
  • Generate constructive discussion about issues such as depression, rural isolation, mental illness, indigenous dislocation, teen bullying, body image, sexuality and financial stress
  • Raise the profile of organisations and charities that provide support and care to people, families and communities affected by suicide or at risk

3. Activities

R U OK? Day has:
  • Created a fully integrated media campaign, including a television commercials, radio, press, print, outdoor, point of sale, sky writing and public relations
  • Developed a complementary corporate component of R U OK? (now known as RUOK? At Work), which was founded on the insight that absenteeism and 'presenteeism' is the major cause of lost productivity, costing the nation roughly $13billion
  • Delivered a "How to" guide for successful RUOK? conversations into 1.5 million homes via News Limited's national newspaper network
  • Developed a social media campaign featuring a Twitter push, Facebook page, creation of a YouTube channel
  • Developed a website, which was designed to guide people on how to have a conversation and provided links to partner websites for those seeking information on mental health and where to get help Top of page

4. Funding

  • Round 1
    • NSPP funding
      • 2006/07 - not applicable
      • 2007/08 - not applicable
      • 2008/09 - not applicable
    • % project funding - not applicable
  • Round 2
    • NSPP funding
      • 2009/10 - not applicable
      • 2010/11 - $199,605
    • % project funding - 100%
  • Round 3
    • NSPP funding
      • 2011/12 - $375,000
      • 2012/13 - $137,599
    • % project funding - 50%

5. Staffing

  • Round 1 (2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09)
    • Number staff positions funded (FTE) - not applicable
    • Number staff positions filled (FTE) - not applicable
  • Round 2 (2009/10, 2010/11)
    • Number staff positions funded (FTE) - 1
    • Number staff positions filled (FTE) - 2
  • Round 3 (2011/12, 2012/13)
    • Number staff positions funded (FTE) - 2
    • Number staff positions filled (FTE) - 3.5