As shown in Table 5-4, locally oriented projects accounted for the largest proportion (56%) of projects, state-wide projects made up 14%, and projects with a national reach made up the remaining 30% of projects.
Analysis of the geographical descriptions provided by project representatives indicated a more complex reach than Table 5-4 would suggest. For example:
- Four projects identified as local were found to operate in one or more other states. Their activities within these other states were, however, confined to small/local areas.
- One local project also had a national component.
- One local project contributed to international suicide prevention efforts.
The approach taken by projects differed according to geographical reach, as shown in Table 5-5.
As indicated, locally oriented projects (28) mainly used selective (23) and indicated (15) approaches, with selective being the most commonly cited of the two approaches.
Projects with state-wide reach (7) tended to use selective approaches (7). As would be expected, the national projects (15) were largely characterised by universal approaches (11).