This chapter examines whether the range, funding and design of projects are appropriate to meet the desired outcomes.46
Sections 7.1 and 7.2 examine the appropriateness of the mix and funding of NSPP projects across Australia. Data presented in Section 7.1 is based upon responses to the Project Survey and the MDS data collected.
The remaining nine sections examine the extent to which the project activities align with the evidence base, as articulated through the peer review literature. Findings are based on a thematic analysis of the qualitative data provided by projects.
In these sections, a summary of the current evidence/best practice (derived from the Literature Review, see Appendix E) is presented in relation to each parameter of appropriateness. A brief description of NSPP-funded activities under each parameter is then provided and the appropriateness of these activities is assessed in relation to current evidence of best practice.
46 "To evaluate appropriateness, one of two comparisons is made. The program may be compared to the needs of the intended clients, using any of the techniques of needs analysis. Alternatively, the program can be evaluated in terms of its compliance with process. In health for example, some evaluations focus on appropriate care, including treatment of conditions (heart disease) or events (childbirth). Appropriateness can be determined through expert review of individual cases". PJ Rogers, 'Evaluation', in S Mathison (ed), The Encyclopaedia of Evaluation, Sage Publications, London, 2007, p.31.