A Minimum Data Set (MDS) was developed, consisting of a series of data items specifically designed to support the current and ongoing evaluation of NSPP and TATS-funded activities (Appendix C). Following Department and the advisory group feedback, consultations were held with project representatives at workshops in August 2012 at which all 49 projects were represented and the MDS was revised based on this feedback. Further additions were also made following implementation of the MDS. To support projects in the usage of the MDS, a Data Dictionary and User Guides were also developed by AHA.
The MDS comprises three main types of data:
- Program level information
- Individual activity data (which relates to episodes of service provided to or in relation to an individual)
- Group activity data
All projects were required to submit program level data. They also submitted individual and/or group data depending on the type of activity they engaged in.
Data collection using the MDS began on 1 October 2012 and continued until the end of March 2013.