The findings presented in this report are based on analysis of the data sources described in Sections 4.1 to 4.7. The data analysis protocols are outlined below.
All project documentation/data provided by DoHA was systematically analysed across the key areas of enquiry listed in Appendix B. Funding details were extracted and categorisation of information was verified by a minimum of two consultants. A range of descriptive statistics was generated from the quantitative data derived from the project survey and the MDS.
A thematic analysis of narrative data derived from the project documentation/data and the free text responses provided in the survey and MDS, and consultation transcripts was conducted to identify key themes and issues. The thematic analysis was conducted using grounded theory, a technique that uses a constant comparative method of coding and recoding. 30,31 In each case, this process involved a minimum of two consultants.
30 J Saldana, The coding manual for qualitative researchers, Sage Publications, Los Angeles & London, 2009.
31 E DePoy & L Gitlin, Introduction to research: understanding and applying multiple strategies, 2nd edn, Elsevier Mosby, St Louis, 1998.