The Commonwealth Response to The Hidden Toll: Suicide in Australia was tabled on 24 November 2010 and included details of the TATS package. The TATS package provides further support for suicide prevention through universal and population-wide approaches and through community led responses. This investment seeks to strengthen and further build on proven strategies in suicide prevention in the following four areas:
- More frontline services and support for those at greatest risk of suicide:
- More community-based psychology services (through expansion of ATAPS Suicide Prevention Program (see Chapter 11)
- More services to prevent suicide and boost crisis intervention services:
- Boost capacity of crisis lines
- Mental Health First Aid training for frontline community workers
- Infrastructure for suicide hotspots
- Community prevention activities for high-risk groups (including Indigenous people; men; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people; and families bereaved by suicide)13
- Outreach teams to schools through the headspace School Support program
- Target men who are at greatest risk of suicide:
- Expansion of the National Workplace Program delivered by beyondblue
- Increased helpline capacity
- Targeted campaigns on depression and reducing stigma
- Programs to promote good mental health and resilience in young people:
- Expansion of the KidsMatter primary school program
- Additional services for at-risk children through the ATAPS child mental health service
- Online mental health and counselling services.
A number of other recommendations from the report on the Senate Inquiry into Suicide have also been acted upon by the Australian Government. These include the development of a suicide prevention strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (see Section 3.9) and alignment of state/territory suicide prevention strategies to the LIFE Framework under the auspice of the Australian Health Ministers' Conference.15
13 Includes $6 million quarantined for community-based prevention activities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
14 Department of Health and Ageing, Programs: Taking Action to Tackle Suicide package, DoHA, Canberra, 2013, accessed 9 April 2013.
15 Department of Health and Ageing, Commonwealth response to The Hidden Toll: Suicide in Australia, DoHA, Canberra, 2010, accessed 23 April 2013.