Through the survey, project representatives were invited to provide insight into how their projects had been developed, including the extent to which evidence was used in the development of strategies. Of the 45 responses received, the following themes featured:
- For more than half the projects, an evidence-based rationale was provided for the specific population subgroup that the project targeted, citing published evidence of the suicide prevalence rates and risk factor profiles.
- For eight projects, explicit reference was made to the evidence base as articulated in the peer-reviewed literature for the interventions implemented.
- Explicit reference to the LIFE Framework, and the evidence that underpins it, was made for five projects.
- For five projects, a process of ongoing development and refinement as a result of pilot testing and regular evaluation was described.
- In five cases, community consultation led to the identification of gaps in service delivery, or assisted in the development of culturally appropriate interventions for specific settings.
- Three projects were adaptations of overseas initiatives, for which they claimed evidence of effectiveness had been established.